New Governing Documents are Available
The Governing Documents (Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, By-Laws and Restrictions) for the Lakeway Estates Subdivision and the Lakeway Estates Property Owners Association, INC. were signed and notarized on December 28, 2020 before Michelle Ann Lawson Notary ID: 132386568. On December 29, 2020, the Governing Documents were filed and duly recorded with the Clerk’s Office of Henderson County at 10:25AM – (Document Number: 2020-00020800). These new Governing Documents replace the previous By-Laws dated October 4, 2014 Revision 04 and the previous Restrictions dated October 14, 2002.
Thank you for everyone’s participation in getting this done, especially Harrell Dodson for taking on the lion’s share of this project. The new Governing Documents can be found online at this link: